#Sensor Technology

When animals go online
When animals go online
ICARUS connects animals with the internet. With this technology, we gain vital insights from the swarm intelligence of nature.
February 2025
Wanted: Spoilsports
Wanted: Spoilsports
The premier strategy to prevent machine failure is an intelligent early warning system: condition monitoring. Companies monitor machines from in-house control centers but also deploy their detectives to customer locations for on-site analyses.
November 2023
Ship ahoy, crew goodbye!
In Motion
Ship ahoy, crew goodbye!
In the future, autonomous vehicles are planned to play an important role also on water. In an interview, shipbuilding expert Dr. Christian Masilge explains what benefits this technology offers.
March 2022
Delving into history with high tech
Delving into history with high tech
In the quest for traces of our ancestors, archeologists dig up Earth’s past – and increasingly avail themselves of pioneering technologies in the process.
January 2022
Self-driving weed killer
Self-driving weed killer
Researchers from Fraunhofer have now presented an autonomous weeding robot requiring neither sprays nor costly high-tech sensors including complex algorithms.
December 2021
Directly to your door!
Directly to your door!
Billions of letters and parcels are sent every year. To do this, the deliverers rely on state-of-the-art machines and digital technologies. A look into the gears of global logistics chains.
November 2021
Let there be heat where heat should be
In Motion
Let there be heat where heat should be
Less energy consumption, longer range – how Schaeffler enhances the efficiency of e-cars with smart thermal management.
September 2021
Of players and helpers
Of players and helpers
Automaton, machine, robot, humanoid, android, cobot – no matter what names the artificial entertainers have been given, the foundations of this success story were laid as far back as 3,000 years ago.
December 2020
Dr. Digital
Dr. Digital
Digital transformation in the healthcare sector is in full swing and receiving a boost due to the corona pandemic. Here are a few examples.
October 2020
Midgets with potential
Midgets with potential
The 2016 Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded for the fundamentals of building complex nanomachines. Following the early eighties, this new field of research has since seen rapid development.
December 2017