Powerful words

Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him.

Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890–1969), 34th U.S. president
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Women that changed the world – test your knowledge.
Women that changed the world – test your knowledge.
The International Day of Women and Girls in Science recognizes the role that women and girls play in science and engineering. “tomorrow” is celebrating all those female pioneers that have been shaping the world with a quiz.
When animals go online
When animals go online
ICARUS connects animals with the internet. With this technology, we gain vital insights from the swarm intelligence of nature.
AI in the cockpit
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AI in the cockpit
Artificial intelligence (AI) is moving into all areas of life – including aircraft cockpits. The objective is to use digital assistants to make flying smarter and safer and to replace co-pilots in the medium run.
AI accelerates pace on the factory floor
AI accelerates pace on the factory floor
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The Line
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The Line
Some consider the linear city ‘The Line’ to be a visionary millennial project, others an example of absurdity. Here’s a current-state assessment in the spring of 2023 of how a city is supposed to grow 170 kilometers (106 miles) into the desert.
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Spun into space
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How many members does a team need?
How many members does a team need?
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Guard rails for a volatile
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Guard rails for a volatile
Standards play a key role in the development, acceptance and market introduction of technology – especially when it comes to complex and forward-looking topics like hydrogen. An expert reveals the background.